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Monday, August 11, 2008

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included

Protecting your privacy is important no matter whether you are using a free dating site or purchasing goods or services on the internet. No site is perfectly safe, but with a combination of common sense safeguards, you will stand less chance of having your privacy compromised.

Look for Security markers

A free dating site should have a clear statement on the site about what measures the web site owner has taken to protect users of the site from unwanted invasion of their personal privacy. The available technology today makes it possible for web site owners to provide comprehensive security and privacy measures to all the users. However, the members of the dating site must take responsibility for determining that the security exists on the site they are considering. Further, the security and privacy safeguards must be in place at all times and at all levels of the site.

Use Common Sense

Use your common sense to protect your privacy always. Don't give away your social security number, credit card numbers or other types of sensitive information. When you choose a free dating site, you don't need to worry about the wrong person getting the information about money and accounts you hold. You should never need to provide information of this sort with a free site. If you are asked to do so, the site is not free or is asking for unneeded information. Dating site members should never provide information of this site online.

Take your time

Don't be in a hurry to give information to those you meet at a dating site. They may be perfectly innocent questions, but if you are not pressured about giving information to the web site master or by the members you will be protected from much of the risk. Take time to get to know other web site members gradually without rushing into the release of any information that is personal or sensitive. If you only provide the same type of information that you would give a casual acquaintance, you will protect yourself.

Watch for inconsistencies

When you are getting to know others at a free dating site, you should be extra cautious about the stories that you learn about other members. Don't allow yourself to be drawn into a dangerous situation because someone is lying to you about their background and personality. It may be your intuition kicking into place or you may catch other inconsistencies from the conversation with the members, but don't ignore the information your gut gives you about another person or member. You can learn to be very selective about who you choose to further the relationship you start online.

Don't reveal personal information too soon

When you meet someone on a free dating site that you think may be a person of interest, you don't need to be in a hurry to give out telephone numbers or home addresses. Don't tell everything about where you work or where you go to school. In fact, don't tell any of your personal information if you don't know who will be reading it or learning about it on the internet. You can protect your privacy best by only releasing information that is needed and only to those who have reason to know the information.

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