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Monday, August 11, 2008

How to pick up shy girl and get sex with her on first date

Some of the most difficult situations are when You have to approach shy girl. You don`t know how she will act, will she not be afraid and that can scare You too. So the here are few tips from my experience how to approach such girls: 1) Never say some cool pickup line. It is no, no for such girls. That will scare them away. Better try to flirt a bit, but not too much. My ex-girlfriend was shy, but she loved to flirt. We played cat and dog, ping pong, no matter how You call it. It really works. 2) Don`t take her to expensive restaurant. If she is shy, she will feel that she owes You something. Take her to some middle class bar or food stand. No McDonalds, thats for kids. 3) Order for her. That pretty much easy. 4) First kiss. This is most important part. How to kiss the girl. The age long question. The secret of the first kiss is simple. Ask her something, that she will probably answer right. When she answers palm her hair. Hope You are not dating no hair girl. Let Your fingers slide through her hair. Say somthing like: "Good girl". In cute way, not "good dog" way. If she allows that, then move in for kill. If not, then ask if she ever did skydiving and try again this trick 10 minutes later. 5) Always leave her waiting for more. If You gone through kiss line, then make sure You give her kiss on the neck and after that just lean back. Do it couple of times. 6) Ask if she likes movies. All love movies. So should she. Say that You have top movie, for example The Dark Knight and suggest that You both should watch it together. If she will like You, she will ask when. Say that You like spontaneous things and You should do it now. 7) Take her by hand and start to promote the movie on Your way to Your crib. 8) After You are at home, then Dark Knight all over her for all night long. Just don`t be a jerk.

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