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Monday, August 25, 2008

Bringing Back Real Dating - The Secrets To Being A Gentleman In The Modern Dating World

ehand. Nothing is worse than sitting around trying to decide what to do. If you're having trouble, flip through the paper's restaurant reviews, pick one and make a reservation. Simple as that.

3. Tell Her How Nice She Looks. The words “you look lovely” or anything along those lines should be out of your mouth within the first five minutes of a date. No excuses.

4. Open Doors. Open her car door and the restaurant door, but don't pull her chair out unless she is clearly standing by it and waiting for you to do so. Otherwise, if she's not expecting it, you could wind up in an awkward chair struggle.

5. Pay, or At Least Try to Pay. Most women will admire and respect your offer to pay. If she offers to help pay, insist again but do not get into a struggle over the bill. If your date is very insistent on paying her share then let her do so, but at least try first. Also, if you were the one that asked her out, you should never expect her to pay.

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